Performance Measurement and Evaluation Unit Releases Brief on Impacts of COVID-19 on the Homeless Response System in 2020

DCHS’s Performance Measurement & Evaluation (PME) unit is launching the first in a series of quarterly data briefs highlighting housing and homelessness data trends. For the Q1 2021 release, the Data Review explores the impacts of COVID-19 on the King County Homeless Response System.  For several years, DCHS has used public data dashboards to provide information on the homeless response system and its performance towards making…

People looking at data dashboards

New Data Dashboard Explores Coordinated Entry for All

King County’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data dashboards have been a great resource for the community to learn about trends in homelessness and how well our system is performing. Now, DCHS’s Performance Measurement & Evaluation unit is excited to announce the addition of the new Coordinated Entry for All dashboard. With this new dashboard,…